Back In Germany!

We are so happy to be back in Germany. It’s always nice to be home in the summer to see our family and friends (especially now that we have Andi) but to be honest, it’s a lot of work. I always feel like were being pulled in 500 directions trying to see everyone and fit everything in before it’s time to pack up and head out again. Life at home can be a bit stressful but gosh, do I love Sunday dinners at my parents house! That makes it all worth it. I’m drooling just thinking about it!

One of my favorite pics from summer: My Crew ❤


I think we were mostly happy to be in Germany after that terrible flight with a one year old. I rather poke my eyeballs out than go through that ever again … but I better get used to it. Andi did great for the first 2-3 hours… but then she was basically up for the next 10 hours. :insert cry face here:… tears were shed, and not from just Andi.


We obviously couldn’t wait to be reunited with our Lampl girls! We ran over to their apartment as soon as we got back.


It was so nice to come back to our same apartment. Everything just the way we left it, it makes for a MUCH easier transition. The easiest we’ve ever had for sure. There was no stress of finding a grocery store, buying all the essentials (soaps, laundry detergent, etc.) it was all here!

We brought back a lot of Andi’s books from our baby shower – they are so special because inside is a special message from people that came to the shower. So that makes us smile when we open them each time!


The team management put on a special lunch for all the guys and families last week. It was at one of our favorite places here in Bremerhaven, so that was a plus! It was good to meet the new faces and see some old familiar faces too.


I had to snap a family pic since it’s probably the first time I put on real pants and did my hair since we got here! (haha)


On Monday Andi started “krippe” (which is essentially like day care in America). She will only be going a couple of days a week right now from 9-1130 (for now)… She really has loved it so far but it’s throwing off her schedule quite a bit. Usually by 9 Andi is down for her first nap and right now were getting to school then. So, to say shes exhausted by 11:30 is an understatement. Yesterday was the first day they had me actually leave her. I left at 10 and she was there all alone like a big girl! I knew she’d do just fine because she LOVES other kids and plays really well. And is one of 8 kids in her “classroom” and is the youngest by one month. There are three teachers in every classroom which is amazing. I think this is going to be wonderful for Andi! I haven’t had a second to cry because I haven’t really “dropped” her off and left… I’m sure that day is coming.

Andi is starting to take more steps on her own. Finally.. not that I was ever in a rush but it’s been frustrating for her. So we are excited about that and have been practicing a lot! Her teacher told me she was “walking all over” but I’ll assume we were lost in translation. Haha! When Andi isn’t at school or taking a nap.. she loves being outside and playing at the park. No surprise, the kid has loved fresh air since day one. Remember… she used to only nap outside? So glad that has changed.


We needed a break from cooking at home so we headed downtown the other day. We went a little early to take a stroll by the water. It was a windy afternoon! The weather here has been shit.. for lack of a better word. Last year around this time it was still summer. I was so excited to take Andi to the beach when we got back but it doesn’t look like that will be happening. Boo! Oh well.. They say were getting some warm weather next week. I’ll take anything warmer then 55-60 like we’ve had!



The boys preseason is in full swing. Which means two-a-days .. which means I feel like single mom, professional dog walker. Next weekend the boys head to denmark for some preseason games and the following weekend they head to Belfast! (jealous? yes! me too.) Wish me luck on those weekends alone. I’ll need A LOT of coffee.

Until next time….