Olimpija’s Teddy Bear Toss [2013]!

I was so happy when I heard management would be putting on a Teddy Bear Toss game again this season – last years was a big hit! The Teddy Bear Toss is really popular for teams back in America, not as many european teams put it on but I’m proud to say we do! After the home team scores their first goal everyone in the stands throw their teddies on the ice – The teddies get donated to children for Christmas! 

 I wanted to share the fun with you so here are a few photos.

PC: Matic Klansek Velej 




ImageIt’s always a good feeling when you know just one more kid will be getting a little something this Christmas.


Nane Bagozzi does Slovenia

I was lucky enough to have my grandma come to Europe to visit Jerry and I (and miika)!

It was a great time – something that I will always remember. It was fun to have someone come and experience our European lifestyle for themselves.

My girlfriend Dalija and I picked my Nane up in Venice last Thursday, since Trieste is on the way home we stopped there for lunch.

Nane’s first stop: Trieste

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Jerry and I took nane to one of our favorite dinner places, and then we met some friends downtown at the Christmas Market!


The next morning I let nane sleep in, and by sleep in I mean until 11 AM.

Then she was forced to get up and go for Miikas morning walk! Nane made it on almost every morning walk with us while she was here.

I took nane to our mall, and to do some grocery shopping. She helped me make it feel a little more like Christmas in the apartment!


Oh and we forced her to eat Mexican… in slovenia.

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Nane’s next stop: Lake Bohinj & Lake Bled

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Nane’s Monday adventures: Ljubljana Castle & Jerry’s hockey game

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We went to the castle while Jerry took his pre game nap.

Nane got to see her first european hockey game and Jerry play for the first time ever.

We were starving after, so we headed out for pizza and wine!

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Tuesday was also a game day – I’m sure you can imagine Nane’s excitement! Two game days in a row! 😉

While Jerry napped we had lunch at a nice restaurant downtown and went and did a little shopping!

After Jerry’s hockey game the team had a “meet and greet” at one of the near by bars.

Yep, Nane came!

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Wednesday we got up early and headed to Postonja or “The Caves” – Over 1 million tourists go there every year so I figured it was a must see for her.

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Followed by dinner at my favorite restaurant in downtown Ljubljana AS!

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We spent Thursday downtown doing some shopping & had a nice lunch!

Friday morning it was time to head back towards Venice since Nane’s flight left early Saturday morning. We took advantage of it and spent the day exploring Venice – obviously one of my favorite places on earth!

We had a good lunch and even better dinner. Nane was amazed how many stores/shopping there is to do in Venice!

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As they say, “time flies when you’re having fun” – Nane is already back in the good ol’ USA! How lucky am I that my grandma could come visit me in Europe?! Even though everyone that met her swore she was my mother and not my grandma – one of the joys of having  very young family! We hope she enjoyed herself as much as we did. Can’t wait to see her and the rest of my family in the spring!

Jerry and I are back to our routine and Miika is back to having her moms full attention! So, all is back to “normal” at the Kuhn household. A big thanks to my hubs for pretending to enjoy being social for a couple of weeks to do things with our visitors! Now, back to being unsocial and doing what we do best – Couch, meet butt.

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“The love of family is life’s greatest blessing”

PS: Christmas is in like a week & 1/2 WTF?!

– The Kuhns