Baby Andi – 9 and 10 months!

I’m going to do my best to pick up where I left off! I can’t believe we have a nearly 11 month old baby but not to rush.. we have catching up to do first!

Unfortunately Jerrys season ended a little earlier than expected. Which is never fun. Nonetheless, we are so proud of him and all of his hard work this season!


{PC: SPFoto}

Some things we did before we left Germany!

We celebrated Jerry’s 30th Birthday with the help of my wonderful friend, Ellie. There’s actually a really funny story about Jerry’s birthday. I wish I still had photo proof. True Life, I’m that crazy hockey wife. I wanted to decorate Jerry’s stall since 30 is kind of a big deal. BUT he had a game on his birthday. I lied and said I was going to the grocery store but really went to the rink. I decorated Jerry’s stall in all this crazy 30th Birthday decorations only to.. tear it all down. I got extremely sweaty and panicked and I freaked. I got the worst feeling and my superstitions took over so, I tore it all down and pretended like it never happened. I was so worried that if they lost it would have been my fault for touching Jerry’s stall. This.. is my life in a nutshell. After a few days I finally confessed to Jerry. He laughed but then told me how happy he was that I tore it down. Happy Birthday!


We celebrated easter with our hockey family!


Andi enjoyed her last swim class before we return in August! In August they will be putting floaties on her arms! 12800347_10207347785630927_7961384816902192988_n

We enjoyed one more day trip to our favorite little town – Bremen. We needed one more trip to Vapiano’s with our Lampl crew. The girls enjoyed their carbs, per usual!


We had an entire week full of warmth and sunshine before we left. It was amazing… only to return to Detroit and have cold and snow.


Andi started crawling right before we left to come home. Of course the first real crawl happened while Jerry was gone on a road trip!

She turned 9 months a couple days before we flew home.



She celebrated with one of her favorites that her dad makes, sweet potatoes and beets! We let her make a mess.

Andi and Papa were excited to use the “euro line” at customs with their cool German passports. Don’t worry, I get to go with them and skip the long US line in Germany with my cool Germans!


I would say the flight went as good as it could. It could have been worse for sure. I don’t think it’s ever going to be as enjoyable as flying alone… ha! We just had to do a lot to keep her occupied.. and asleep. Everyone is making noise and Andi is that baby that needs her own space. So, not a lot of sleep happened but we made it!

Andi has got to “meet” a lot of people since being home. Considering she was 4 weeks when we left it’s like meeting everyone over again. We stayed at my parents like we always do until we got settled into our summer place. The time change was a little rough at first but we adjusted after 5 or so days. It went better than I expected. When we first got home it was pretty tough, Andi didn’t want to go to anyone, especially if I was anywhere in the room. She is slowly but surely getting better with other adults holding her.

We have a lot of little parks around our house and Andi is loving the swing and sunshine!


We ended up taking Andi to the doctor here to get her shot record updated. The State of Michigan kept sending letters telling me to vaccinate my child, haha. She is but clearly all her shots have been done in Germany!





Since when we left for Germany baby Andi was a tad “under weight” the doctor was so happy to see that she clearly doesn’t miss a meal and is very healthy!

Things andi is doing: copying things other people do (facial expressions, “yelling”, talking), standing (going from table to couch, not standing alone), got her first two teeth FINALLY!, giggling lots, points to Miika and says “dog”… (it’s crazy cute). Puts phone up to her ear and acts like she’s talking.

Dislikes: When I leave the room (this is not cute, its awful), car rides, getting her diaper changed.

We enjoyed my first Mother’s Day! So sweet. I love being this monkeys mama.13178843_10207723328699269_504799372026338495_n

Last week we “surprised” our friends in Idaho for a visit! We packed up and headed there on short notice and I’m so glad we did. It was the perfect most refreshing trip. You all know how much I love Idaho. My love grew even more while we were there. I truly hope that we get to live there after hockey. It just feels like the perfect place to put down our roots. Jerry pretend he doesn’t love it like I do, but he does. He was even checking out houses online the night before we left! WIN! 😉

Jerry’s bestie, Harbor only had a little idea that we were coming and was waiting on her balcony when we pulled up. She was SO surprised and so excited!


It is so crazy to see Andi and Indy growing up together. I don’t know what we’ll do when the day comes we won’t always be together (they are also in Germany with us for the hockey season). We took Andi and Indy out to a field for some pretty photos. They are totally the cutest best friends!


Now we are just continuing to enjoy our summer and watching Andi grow. We have a lot coming up for her – baptism & first birthday party! I’m missing Europe lots and can’t wait to be back and hopefully enjoy some sunshine before Jerry’s training starts. I love being home with my family and catching up with old friends but Europe is home for us after all these years. ❤

I have my first “friend” wedding Saturday. We are looking forward to a mommy & daddy night out. Except… should be interesting for my poor mom. Andi still “doesn’t take a bottle” really. So, I’m going to owe my mom big time because I have a feeling it might me a mighty long night…

Until next time,

The Kuhns
